Conselman, Frank B. (Frank Buckley), 1910-

Dr. Frank B. Conselman was a prominent West Texas geologist who was active as a consultant for the oil industry, professor at Texas Tech University, director of ICASALS, and member and officer of several professional societies. Born in 1910 in New York, he earned his B.S. and Sc.M. degrees from New York University, and his Ph.D. in 1934 from the University of Missouri.

He came to the Southwest in 1935 as an oil company geologist. This initiated a life long career as an oil business consultant in the region which was only interrupted by his service in World War II as an Army Air Forces Lieutenant Colonel stationed in the European Theater. Dr. Conselman belonged to numerous professional organizations and was president of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the world's largest geological organization, in 1968-1969. He also served as director of the American Institute of Professional Geologists and was president of the Abilene Geological Society. His expertise led to his appointment to several Federal Government agencies and committees. These included the U.S. National Committee on Geology and the U.S. Federal Power Commission. Dr. Conselman was prominent in the affairs of Texas Tech as a Professor of Geosciences and a Director of the International Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies.


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