Sworakowski, Witold S.

Biographical Note

1903, January 16 Born, Suceuava (Bukovina), Rumania 1931 33 Member, Research Institute on Nationality Problems, Warsaw, Poland 1934 Graduated from Academy of Political Science, Warsaw, Poland 1934 36 Member, World League of Poles Abroad 1936 1945 Legation Secretay and Vice Consul with the Polish Foreign Service in Riga, Prague, Kovno, Curitiba, New York and Chicago 1947 Hoover Institution fellow 1947 1952 Research associate and curator, Hoover Institution 1952 55 Assistant professor, Stanford University 1955 1965 Associate professor, Stanford University 1955 1967 Assistant Director, Hoover Institution 1965 Author, The Communist International and Its Front Organizations 1967 1969 Associate Director, Hoover Institution 1970 79 Consultant to the Director, Hoover Institution Emeritus professor, Stanford University 1973 Author, World Communism: A Handbook 1979 Died, Stanford, California

From the guide to the Witold S. Sworakowski Papers, 1868-1977, (Hoover Institution Archives)

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