Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio). University Rank and Tenure Committee

The University Rank and Tenure Committee was first established in the fall of 1945 by the then president, Fr. Celestine Steiner, S.J. It was to concern itself "with the salaries of faculty and staff and professional matters." The committee consisted of Vice President Frederick N. Miller, S.J., and five faculty members (three laymen and two Jesuits)-all appointed by the president. The description of this committee has changed with time.

The Annual Document of University Committees provides the following information on the role, responsibilities, and membership of this committee: "UNIVERSITY RANK AND TENURE COMMITTEE: Charge: The University Rank and Tenure Committee reviews all recommendations and applications for the promotion and tenure of faculty. The committee makes its recommendations to the President regarding promotion and tenure. A fuller description of this committee's responsibilities is in the Faculty Handbook. Membership: Seven (7) tenured, full professors comprise the voting members of the University Rank and Tenure Committee with two members coming from each college, except in the case of the College of Arts and Sciences, which shall be represented by three members, with one or two of these members from the following departments: biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science. The Academic Vice President/Provost is the chairperson and is a non-voting member. Each year the Principal Faculty elect, in a fixed rotation, one or two full professors to the University Rank and Tenure Committee for a three-year term. These staggered terms provide for election of at least one full professor from each of the three colleges. Each college nominates two tenured, full professors for its opening. The members of the Committee are elected by all of the Principal Faculty. Reporting: The University Rank and Tenure Committee reports through the Academic Vice President/Provost to the President." (Source: Annual Document of University Committees, 2009-2010)


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