Historic Cherry Hill

Samuel William Bonney, son of Rev. William Bonney, born New Canaan, Connecticut, March 8, 1815. Prof rel., Allen St. Church. New York City, January 1838. Studied a few months in New York University, 1840. Lane Seminary, O. 1841-1844, went as a teacher to China and arrived in Hongkong, March 10, 1845; was at Canton, 1846; appointed an assistant missionary of the Board, October 6, 1846: assistant missionary and licensed preacher till 1856; mingled much with people; in 1847 had visited every house on twenty-four streets, numbering about 700 houses and shops. Visited his native land in 1854: ord. 1856, re-emb. with wife New York, August 4, 1856. Ar: Hongkong, December 1, 1856. Resided nearly two years at Macao on account of the war, returned to Canton near the close of 1858; died of bilious fever at Canton, July 27, 1864.

Catherine Visscher Van Rensselaer Bonney, Albany, New York. Married. Cherry Hill New York, July 1856; emb. New York, August 4, 1856. Returned to the United States, April 25, 1867. In April 1869, went to Peking under Women's Union Missionary Society. Removed to Shanghai, August '70. Returned to the United States, August 1871. Published, 1875, "A Legacy of Historical Gleanings," 2 vols. (1878, in Albany, New York do. 1888). Mrs. Barney died in 29 June 1891, Hickory, N.C.


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