William Launcelot Scott Fleming and others

(William) Launcelot Scott Fleming was born on 7 August 1906 at Edinburgh. He was educated at Rugby School and Trinity Hall, Cambridge, graduating with a degree in natural sciences before completing a master's degree in geology at Yale University. On his return to Britain, he entered Westcott House, a Cambridge theological college. In 1932 he participated in the Cambridge University expedition to Vatnajokull in Iceland (leader Brian Birley Roberts) and the following year served as chief scientist with the Oxford University expedition to West Spitsbergen (leader Alexander Richard Glen).

In 1933, Fleming was appointed to a chaplaincy and fellowship at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and the following year joined the British Graham Land Expedition, 1934-1937 (leader John Riddoch Rymill), as chaplain and geologist, also serving as photographer. Fleming was a member of a three-man sledging party that proceeded southwards along the newly discovered King George VI Sound, reaching 72L South in October 1936.


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