James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy

On June 2, 1992, Dr. Richard J. Stoll, Director for the Center for the Study of Institutions and Values, as well as a professor of Political Science, sent a memo to then Rice President George Rupp. In this memo, Stoll suggested that Rice approach then Secretary of State James A. Baker III for the beginnings of a "James Baker Institute". Rupp responded favorably to Stoll's memo and thus the Baker Institute was born.

On March 31, 1993, Secretary Baker gave a speech accepting Rice's offer of an Institute in his honor. While at Rice where he laid down his ideas on the Baker Institute. In this speech, entitled "Ideas Into Action", in which he charged the Baker Institute to "draw together statesmen, scholars and students...and...build a bridge between the world of ideas and the world of action..." These founding words were later used as the building stones for the external architecture of the building.


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2020-11-01 01:11:06 am

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2020-11-01 01:11:45 am

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