Keep New Mexico Beautiful, Inc.

Keep New Mexico Beautiful, Inc (KNMB) was established in 1965, under the direction of Eunice Kalloch. The organization was formed to achieve three goals. The first goal was the preservation and enhancement of New Mexico's natural beauty through a program of public education. Second, the organization wanted to encourage local citizens groups to improve the surroundings in their own areas. Third, KNMB sought to develop among residents of New Mexico a pride in their communities and to emphasize the benefits of a clean and beautiful state. With these three goals in place, the organization began to work with national, state and local groups and officials to achieve them. In trying to preserve and enhance New Mexico's natural beauty through public education programs, Keep New Mexico Beautiful focused on the youth of New Mexico. With this in mind, Keep New Mexico Beautiful acquired locally designed Dusty Roadrunner as a mascot. Dusty was trademarked by the organization in 1967 and officially adopted by the state of New Mexico in 1969 as its litter prevention symbol. In adopting Dusty as its mascot, KNMB hoped to instill the beautification movement in the young. School recycling and beautification programs were instituted to ensure that the youth of New Mexico were involved. Public education was further increased through civic activities and political participation. Encouraging local citizens to improve their own neighborhoods, Keep New Mexico Beautiful was at the forefront in uniting civic and government beautification efforts. Organizations such as the Kirtland Officers' Wives Club, Arbor Day Foundation, and city garden clubs helped to spread the beautification movement. In trying to expand its influence, KNMB also worked with national organizations such as Keep America Beautiful. Sharing common goals with these national organizations helped to instill a sense of unity in the beautification efforts of the 1970s and 1980s.

From the description of Keep New Mexico Beautiful records, 1952-1988. (University of New Mexico-Main Campus). WorldCat record id: 57218249


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