Ortiz y Pino family
The Ortiz family has been prominent in New Mexican history and politics since before the Territorial Period. Nicolas Ortiz II, Niño Ladrón de Guevara (also written Guebara), was born in Mexico to Nicolas Ortiz I, who joined colonists in Zacatecas in 1693 and served as aid to Governor of New Mexico, Don Diego de Vargas. Nicolas Ortiz II received the Caja del Rio land grant in Santa Fe County by authority of the King, himself.
In addition to having two family members designated land grantees (Nicolás Ortiz II and Don Antonio Ortiz), Ramon Ortiz, son of Antonio Ortiz was the last Spanish priest at the Juarez Mission. Col. Miguel E. Pino served with the First Regiment, New Mexican Volunteers, Union Army in the 1860s. Don Nicolas Pino was Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6, in 1868. Don Jose Ortiz y Pino was a member of the State Legislature, House of Representatives, 1926-1942. Sra. Concha Ortiz y Pino de Kleven served as a member of the State Legislature, House of Representatives, 1936-1942. She was the first woman Majority Whip in the Legislature. Jose Ortiz y Pino III was elected State Senator, 1964-1966.