Goldring, Muriel Goodman.

Benjamin (Ben) Goldring and Muriel Goodman Goldring were lifelong political activists. Ben Goldring, a lawyer by profession, served in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War, and later in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Both Goldrings were active in the committees organized to fight the conviction and execution of the Rosenbergs and the imprisonment of Morton Sobell. As a specialist in civil liberties law, Ben Goldring gave his time and expertise to the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB) in their legal battle against the Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB) from the 1950s to the 1970s; he was also a active member of the National Lawyers Guild. In addition to her work with the Rosenberg and Sobell Committees, Muriel Goldring became involved in a wide range of local and national political causes. The Goldrings closely followed national political developments in many areas, from the peace movement to immigrants' and prisoners' rights, and were also community activists in Brooklyn, where they lived.

Benjamin Goldring was born in 1912 and died in 2000. He was educated at Erasmus Hall High School and Brooklyn College. He graduated from Columbia Law School and passed the New York State Bar in 1934. A veteran of the Spanish Civil War, he fought on the Republican side as a member of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion from 1937-1938. Arriving in Spain on March 17, 1937, he first saw action at Villaneuva de la Canada and Brunete and was wounded five times, two of which required hospital stays. He was a member of the National Guard of New York State (1936-1937) and then of the United States Army (1940-1941), re-enlisting in 1942 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and serving in the Pacific Theater until his honorable discharge in 1945. He was active in the Civil Rights Congress, and the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). Remaining active in social and political organizations, Ben Goldring wrote many articles and tracts concerning the law and its application. He also wrote in defense of the publication of a minority report on Israeli treatment of Palestinian prisoners as a counter point to the majority paper published by the NLG after a trip to Israel in 1977.
