Mackesey, Thomas W. (Thomas William), 1908-1976

Architect, city and regional planner.

Thomas Mackesey received his Bachelor's degree in architecture (1932) and his Master's degree in city planning (1938) from M.I.T. He worked with the City Planning Board in Lynn, Massachusetts from 1932-1936. He later became a research assistant with the Division of State Planning of New York and secretary-treasurer of the State Federation of Official Planning Boards. In 1938 Mackesey became an instructor of regional planning at Cornell University and was Dean of the Cornell College of Architecture, Art, and Planning from 1951-1960, Dean of the Faculty from 1961-1964, and Vice President for Planning from 1964 until his retirement from Cornell in 1974. He later traveled to Egypt and served as an advisor to the Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction. He was a fellow of the American Institute of Architects, a member of the New York State Association of Architects, and a member of the American Institute of Planners.
