Concord Free Public Library (Concord, Mass.)
Concord Free Public Library was incorporated March 24, 1873 for statutory purpose of forming and maintaining a public library in Concord, Mass. Corporation organized and adopted by-laws March 28, 1873. Preceding Concord Town Library, founded in 1851, was transferred to Corporation by vote of inhabitants of Concord March 31, 1873. These transactions resulted from proposed gift to town of public library building by successful Concord native William Munroe (1806-1877). He presented to Corporation (April 26, 1873), by deed and gift, the land, building.
(Cont.) and an endowment for maintenance and extension of library. Mr. Munroe's conditional gift, and agreement with Town, required the appointment of a professional librarian and established an administration with two governing bodies, a self-perpetuating board of trustees (the Corporation) to own and maintain the grounds, building and its contents, and a Town Library Committee to provide books and general management. Main library building (dedicated Oct. 1, 1873) required additions and renovations in 1889, 1917, 1933 (Art Gallery added), 1968 and 1986-1990.