David, F. N. (Florence Nightingale), 1909-1993

F. N. (Florence Nightingale) David was born on August 23, 1909 in Ivington, England. She graduated from Bedford College for Women in 1931 with a degree in Mathematics. Her intention was to become an actuary in the insurance business, but she found she could not be hired because she was a woman. Frustrated, she sought out Karl Pearson at University College in London and began graduate studies and work as his research assistant. While working on her PhD she became an assistant lecturer in the Statistics Department at University College and worked closely with Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson. Together they launched a new statistical journal called Statistical Research Memoirs . Encouraged by Neyman after Karl Pearson died, she completed her PhD in 1938.

During WW II, David took advantage of new opportunities that opened up for women by working as an experimental officer for the Ordinance Board at the Ministry of Supply and a senior statistician for the Research and Experiments Department of the Ministry of Home Security. She also served on the Land Mines Committee of the Scientific Advisory Council and as a scientific advisor for the Military Experimental Establishment. After the war, she continued to work on these projects for the British government as well as conducting similar research in the United States and Canada.


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