Green family, of Boston, Mass.

The Green family members represented in this collection are Joseph Green (1703-1765), Anna Peirce Green (1702-1770), Joshua Green (1731-1806), Joshua Green (1764-1847), Edward Henry Green (1821-1902), and Samuel Abbott Green (1830-1918). Joseph Green, son of Rev. Joseph and Elizabeth Gerrish Green and the husband of Anna Peirce Green, was a merchant in Boston as was son, Joshua Green 1st. Joshua Green 2nd, son of Joshua Green 1st, was a judge in Wendell, Mass. and his grandson, Edward Henry Green, was a merchant who made a fortune in the Phillipine silk trade and married Henrietta Howland Robinson Green (1834-1916). Samuel Abbott Green, also a grandson of Joshua Green 2nd, was a physician, antiquarian, librarian and author who resided in Boston.

From the description of Papers, 1752-1870. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 207140020

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