San Antonio Express-News

The San Antonio Express-News has the longest history of continuous publication among the English-language newspapers of San Antonio. The Express was first published as a weekly on September 27, 1865 and began publishing as a daily in December 1866.In 1868 it began to use Associated Press dispatches. The paper had an early circulation of 300 daily and 800 weekly subscribers. A Monday edition, first published in the late 1880s, made the Express a seven-day paper. After 1890 the company acquired its first Associated Press leased wire service. Publication of the Evening News began on September 4, 1918. In 1922 the company became the owner and operator of radio station WOAI . The Express also acquired radio station KYFM in 1947, KTSA in 1949, and KGBS radio-television in 1954, renaming the station KENS. Cooperation between the Express and the News increased in the 1950s, and the papers eventually merged their staffs. Rupert Murdoch purchased the paper in 1973 and in 1984 combined it with the News to form the Express-News . In 1992 the Hearst Corporation closed the the San Antonio Light and purchased of the Express-News .

From the guide to the San Antonio, Express-News, Photograph Collection, MS 360., 1938-1984, (University of Texas at San Antonio Libraries Special Collections)


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