Virginia Colonial Records Project

The Virginia Colonial Records Project aimed at reconstituting on microfilm the documentary record of Virginia's colonial history that had been decimated by war, fire, and accident during three centuries. Supported until 1964 by the state and federal anniversary celebrations, by the University of Virginia Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Virginia Historical Society, and Virginia State Library, or by other grants, the Virginia Colonial Records Project was coordinated by scholars from the four participating institutions. In 1982 the General Assembly formally transferred the project to the State Library and in September 1985 the Publications Branch (now Division) took administrative and editorial responsibility for computerization and completion of the project. From 1955 to the mid-1980s, full- and part-time agents in England examined, or surveyed, public and private manuscript collections for documents about Virginia between its founding in 1607 and the Treaty of Paris that brought the American Revolution to its formal conclusion in 1783. The agents also sampled Welsh, Scottish, Irish, and French collections, reporting any relevant manuscripts on typewritten Survey Reports.

From the description of Survey reports of the Virginia Colonial Records Project. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 703877485


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