Foot, Dingle, 1905-1978

Sir Dingle Foot (1905-1978) was educated at Bembridge School, Isle of Wight, and Balliol College, Oxford. He was President of the Union, 1928. From 1931 to 1945 he was Liberal MP for Dundee, 1931-45. In 1930 Dingle Foot was called to the bar (Gray's Inn), 1930. He was Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1940, and a member of the British delegation to San Francisco Conference, 1945. Dingle Foot left the Liberal party and joined the Labour party in 1956. He was Labour MP for Ipswich, 1957-1970. He became Solicitor-General and was knighted, 1964. His publications include: 'British Political Crises' (1976) and 'Despotism in disguise' (1937).

From the guide to the FOOT, Sir Dingle Mackintosh, 1905-1978, Knight lawyer and politician, 1913-1950, (British Library of Political and Economic Science)

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