Kansas state university

The Kansas Agriculture and Applied Science College had its start in the Bluemont Central College, chartered in 1858 and opened in 1860. In 1863, after the Morill Act was signed by President Lincoln establishing land-grant colleges in each state for the study of agriculture and industry, Bluemont Central College was transferred to the state of Kansas and reopened as the Kansas State Agricultural College. Located in Manhattan in Riley County, the college again changed its name to the Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science. In 1959, the institution's name changed once more to become the Kansas State University. [K-State Libraries University Archives and Manuscripts. "Kansas State University: A Brief Chronology." http://www.lib.k-state.edu/depts/spec/flyers/ksu-history.html (accessed 11 March 2009).] [Wilder, Bessie. Governmental Agencies of the State of Kansas, 1861-1956. Lawrence: University of Kansas Publications, 1957.]

From the description of Records of Kansas State University, 1905B - 2007. (Kansas State Historical Society). WorldCat record id: 692362870

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