Purcell, Stuart, 1890-

Born in Austin, Texas, Stuart McLeod Purcell (b. 1890) graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1916. That same year he enrolled in law school, though he did not graduate due to his enlistment in the U. S. Army upon the outbreak of World War I. Purcell was promoted to adjutant with the rank of second lieutenant in the 147th Aero Squadron, First Pursuit Group, of the American Expeditionary Forces, which organized in San Antonio in 1917. Shortly before being stationed in France, Purcell married Mabelle Anges Umland, with whom he had three children. Following the war, he settled with his wife in Robstown, where they operated a farm. During the Great Depression, Purcell worked as a free-lance journalist while also teaching school. In 1938, he moved with his family to Austin and was employed by the U. S. Public Service and the Texas State Department of Health. Additionally, Purcell developed an interest in Texas history, co-authoring This is Texas with his wife in 1977.



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