Lutheran World Federation. U.S.A. National Committee. Advisory Committee on International Exchange.

The U.S.A. National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation's (USANC) Office of International Exchange administered the American part of the Lutheran World Federation's (LWF) Scholarship and Exchange Program which included: the Department of World Service's Church Workers Exchange; Department of Theology's theological scholarships program; and the Department of World Mission's scholarship program. The Office was overseen by an Advisory Committee which coordinated its activities. Ruth C. Wick, director of the program under the NLC, continued in the position until 1969, at which time Virgil R. Westlund became the Office.

Head (1970-76). In 1977, USANC became Lutheran World Ministries (LWM) and the responsibilities of the Office of International Exchange were transferred to the LWM's Office on International Scholarship Exchange.


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