Zerbe, Farran, 1871-

Born 1871 Tyrone (Pa.) Head numismatist at U.S. Expositions 1904 St Louis (Mo.) Head numismatist at U.S. Expositions 1905 Portland (Oreg.) Owner of The Numismatist 1908 1910 Head numismatist at U.S. Expositions 1915 1916 San Francisco (Calif.) Farran Zerbe (1871-1949) was an internationally renowned numismatic lecturer, writer, and collector whose holdings, which included over 50,000 coins and an extensive library, were sold to Chase National Bank in 1928 where it formed the basis of a money museum, of which Zerbe served as curator until 1939.

Farran Zerbe (1871-1949) was an internationally renowned numismatic lecturer, writer, and collector whose holdings, which included over 50,000 coins and an extensive library, were sold to Chase National Bank in 1928 where it formed the basis of a money museum, of which Zerbe served as curator until 1939. Born in Tyrone, Pennsylvania, his business and personal life after 1900 was devoted to numismatics. He was a head numismatist at major U.S. Expositions held in St. Louis (1904), Portland (1905), and San Francisco (1915-16) and was a member of the United States Assay Commission from 1909 to 1923. He was the owner of the journal The Numismatist from 1908 until 1910 when he sold it to the American Numismatic Association (ANA). He also served as ANA president from 1908 to 1910. Zerbe was an associate member (1923), fellow (1928), and patron (1947) of the American Numismatic Society.

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