Miller, Walter Richard Samuel

Walter Richard Samuel Miller (1873-1952) MRCS, LRCP, was educated at University College, Bristol and St Bartholomew's Hospital. He was a travelling secretary of the Student Volunteer Missionary Union. He was accepted as a Church Missionary Society (CMS) missionary in 1897 and left for Sierra Leone as a member of a pioneer party to Hausaland under the leadership of Bishop Tugwell. In 1898 he went to Tripoli to study Hausa and after a spell in England returned to West Africa. He served variously at Zaria, Kano and Gierku. He was the author of a grammar, Hausa Notes and compiled Labarim Allah, Bible Stories in Hausa . He also did translation work. Miller's sister, Ethel Pady Miller, (b. 1878), was educated at London University, gaining her B.A. in 1900. She was accepted as a CMS missionary in 1908 initially serving as a teacher at Ibadan Girls School, Yoruba Mission and then in 1910 she moved to the North Nigeria Mission to re-open women's work at Zaria.

Reference: Register of missionaries (clerical, lay & female) and native clergy from 1804 to 1904 (Church Missionary Society, 1905). ; and unpublished additions to this register in the CMS archives.


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