Gamble family.

The Gamble family arrived in Tallahassee from Virginia in the 1820s. John Gratton Gamble came out in 1823 with family, slaves, and household goods. His brother, Robert, brought his family out in 1827. The brothers were the sons of the Revolutionary War hero, Robert Gamble (1754-1810), who led "The Forlorn Hope," which stormed Stony Point on the Hudson and captured the fortress.

The Gambles settled on a large tract of land in Jefferson County, which they had divided between themselves. John and his family lived at Waukeenah plantation, while Robert and his family lived at Welaunee. Later, each moved to Tallahassee, where John owned Neahmantle plantation on the St. Augustine Road and Robert lived in the Gamble mansion on College Avenue. Their descendents have played significant roles in the city and region.


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