Giopulos, Peter,

Peter Giopulos was a professor and administrator at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) during the 1980s and 1990s. He earned his Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University in 1981, where he wrote a dissertation titled "Potting as a Phenomenon: Movement and Choice Stimulate Transformation." Throughout his career, Giopulos worked as a set designer, painter, potter, and in the field of digital imagery. He taught art, ceramics, design, and art education in RIT's College of Fine and Applied Arts, now the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences. Giopulos also served as the associate dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts. Up until 2003, he oversaw the artwork on RIT's campus.

From the description of Peter Giopulos files on campus art 1999-2004 (RIT Library). WorldCat record id: 758000353

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