Bock Ark

Bock Ark was born August 27, 1896 in Toisan, China and came to the United States in 1911. He lived with an uncle who had a laundry in Baltimore, Maryland. While attending Sunday School at Grace and St. Peter's Church he worked in his uncle's laundry. He went back to China in 1920 and married there in 1921. He returned to Baltimore and started a restaurant during World War I at 208 W. Fayette Street. During the depression Mr. Bock closed the restaurant and managed a laundry until 1937.

He became involved in Chinese-American organizations in 1937, becoming president of the Consolidated Chinese Association of Baltimore in 1938. He was also a leader of the Chinese Benevolent Society, Secretary of the Chinese Merchant's Association, and representative of the Chungking Government. In 1944, he started Chunking Restaurant and continued until 1960. He was a prominent figure in Baltimore Chinese affairs and a business leader of the local Chinese community.


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