Kretzschmar, Angelina.

Angelina Kretzschmar, a social activist and feminist, worked for the U.S. Army at Fort Sam Houston from 1974-1996. After earning a BBA degree in 1974 from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Kretzschmar was hired as a Budget Analyst at Fort Sam Houston where she was active in the National Federation of Federal Employees Union-Local 28. Kretzschmar served as Treasurer of the Union from 1989 to 1991, and also served as Steward for a few months during that time. As a union official, Kretzschmar filed grievances on behalf of herself and other employees, and represented the Union on health and safety issues. In addition, Kretzschmar filed approximately 75 Unfair Labor Practice charges for the Union. Twenty of the charges were complaints in which Kretzschmar was the primary witness.

Kretzschmar's own treatment in her job prompted her to file several charges of discrimination against Fort Sam Houston management officials. A number of the charges were settled out of court, but three times Kretzschmar proved charges of discrimination in court. No single employee had prevailed that many times. Kretzschmar initiated charges of discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, and national origin (German). She also filed several grievances and complaints against Fort Sam Houston Management officials on the basis of reprisal for her previous union activity and for the act of "whistle blowing" information to the Inspector General on misappropriated funds. Cases centered on discrimination in the form of harassment, low performance appraisal ratings, work overload, denied requests for ongoing job training, impediments to her security clearance, improper release of EEO files, and derogatory comments against her.


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