Russel, Henry, 1852-1920

Henry B. Russel was a Detroit lawyer, graduating from the University of Michigan Law School in 1875. He became vice-president and general counsel of the Michigan Central Railway Company. Mr. Russel was one of Detroit's most prominent Figures at the time of his death in 1920. He married Nellie Muir, of Detroit, in 1880 and they had five children. After Nellie died in 1910, he married Mrs. Eleanor Whittaker. William Muir Russel was was born in 1893. While a student at Cornell University, he enlisted in the U.S. Army just before his graduation, in April 1917. He was attached to the Ninety-fifth Aero Squadron, first pursuit group, and was assigned to one of the most active sectors. He took part in many battles in the vicinity of Chateau Thierry. Quentin Roosevelt, son of Theodore, was a member of the same group. Russel became a First Lieutenant, American aviator. Lt. Russel was killed in action. Hundreds of letters of condolence were sent to the family, and they have been preserved here. They are arranged alphabetically by the writer.

From the description of Henry Russel papers, 1917-1920 (Detroit Public Library). WorldCat record id: 611104407

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