Bluedorn, Carl A., (1909-1997).

Carl A. Bluedom was born April 10, 1909, in Walcott, Iowa, to Rudolph and Rosa Siebke Bluedorn. Bluedorn received his B.S. from Iowa State College (University) in civil engineering. Bluedorn joined Zeidler's Inc., a concrete manufacturer in Waterloo, Iowa, in 1932. He was soon promoted to General Manager (1936), President (1946), and Chairman (1972).

Bluedorn was a very active supporter of Iowa State University throughout his lifetime. He served on the executive committee of the ISU Alumni Association, was DIrector of the National Cyclone Club, a charter member of Order of the Knoll, and President of the ISU Foundation Board of Governors. Iowa State University honored Bluedorn with several awards in recognition of his support and professional accomplishments. He was Cy's Favorite Alum (1959), and was awarded the Alumni Merit Award (1960), the Alumni Medal (1972), and the Professional Achievement Citation in Engineering award (1995).


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