Texas. Legislature. Senate. Committee Investigating Hazing Conditions at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas.

The Texas Legislature's Senate Committee Investigating Hazing Conditions at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas was created by Senate Resolution 44, 37th Legislature, Regular Session, 1921 (authored by Senator Archie Parr). The resolution called for a full investigation of the hazing charges repeatedly made against students at the A&M College of Texas, to either exonerate the university or to place responsibility for violations of the 1913 hazing law. The 1913 law (Senate Bill 222, 33rd Legislature, Regular Session) prohibited hazing in state educational institutions and provided penalties for those who performed or permitted it. Specifically, students who engaged in hazing were guilty of a misdemeanor, expelled, and were to pay a fine and/or receive jail time, while faculty, staff, and all others who permitted hazing were to be removed from their positions and were not to be rehired in a state educational institution for three years.

As per Parr's resolution, three members of the Senate (W.H. Bledsoe, J.H. Baugh (Chair), and Archie Parr) were appointed to the hazing committee on February 8, 1921. The committee held three hearings, first on February 16-18 in Austin, then on February 25 and 26 in College Station, and finally on March 4 in Austin. Shortly later, on March 11, the committee submitted a majority report to the Senate. The report stated that hazing was almost universally practiced by the sophomores against the freshmen and that the practice should be stamped out, but that the practice was inevitable given the college's strong traditions and the pervasive influence of the Alumni. The report also criticized the 1913 hazing law as being unduly harsh and in need of modification, as it made no distinction between degrees of hazing and the penalties prevented the disclosure of the truth in hazing investigations. Senator Parr disagreed with the majority report, tried to have the adoption of the report reconsidered, and promised to submit a minority report during the next session.


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