Harvard college library

Thaddeus Mason Harris (1768-1842) was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts on July 7, 1768. He received an A.B. from Harvard College in 1787 and was invited the same year to become private secretary to General George Washington. He was prevented from accepting the position, though, by an attack of smallpox, and he served as the interim librarian of the Harvard College Library for three months in 1787. In 1791 he was appointed librarian at Harvard, a position he held until he became pastor of the First Unitarian church in Dorchester, Massachusetts in 1793. He was awarded an honorary S.T.D. (Doctor of Sacred Theology) by Harvard in 1813. He remained as pastor in Dorchester until three years before his death in April 1842.

From the description of Thaddeus Mason Harris' working documents regarding subject-based library catalog, ca. 1790. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 695671657


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