Storer, Ebenezer, 1730-1807.

Ebenezer Storer was born in Boston on January 27, 1729/30. He received a B.A. from Harvard in 1747, and an M.A. in 1750. He joined his father as a merchant after graduation. In 1777, Storer assumed the role of Harvard College Treasurer in place of John Hancock. In 1797 he was appointed an inspector in the Excise Office of the United States, and later served for two years as Treasurer and Collector of Taxes for the Town of Boston. He died on January 5, 1807.

From the description of An account of my quarter bills, charges & c from July 11th 1743 to July 13th 1748 at Harvard College. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 589272562

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