Wilson, Florence L., fl. 1884.

Miss Florence L. Wilson was later Mrs. E. E. Flickinger. The letters were preserved by her mother, Mrs. Hepzibah Beula Smart Wilson. They were copied in several duplicates, and in this form distributed to the children of the author. When the letters were written Miss Wilson's uncle, Roswell G. Wheeler, had been appointed by President James A. Garfield as agent of the Pima Indians at a time when Geronimo was chief of the Apaches, ancient enemies of the Pimas. Bands of Mexicans were riding up from Old Mexico claiming certain lands in that territory, keeping United States cavalrymen constantly on guard. A life size photograph of Mrs. Flickinger at one time hung in the lobby of the school building on the Pima Agency grounds.

From the description of Correspondence from Pima Indian Agency, Sacaton, Arizona, 1884-1885. (Cornell University Library). WorldCat record id: 64063663

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