Minnesota Birth Control League

The Minnesota Birth Control League was organized during a tea held at the home of Elizabeth H. Shafer on March 15, 1928 with the initial purpose of amending state laws that regulated access to birth control information and devices. Nineteen women signed on as members of the organization and elected Shafer as their president. At their second meeting the group adopted the name Motherhood Protection League and on the advice of social workers that they "avoid arousing antagonism" agreed to begin their work by inviting knowledgeable speakers to address the educational component of their meetings. Subsequent speakers included physicians, officials with the State Board of Control, social workers, and the president of the Minnesota Eugenics Society. A constitution and set of bylaws adopted at their third meeting set forth the League's objectives in terms of educational and social service aims as well as legislative reform.

On June 10, 1931 the members agreed to affiliate with the American Birth Control League and incorporated themselves under a new organization as the Minnesota Birth Control League. Elizabeth H. Shafer was elected president of the new League and continued to serve in that role until May of 1933 when Dorothy B. Atkinson was elected.


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