United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of the Wisconsin State Administrator.

The administration of Federal work relief programs in the State of Wisconsin from 1933-43 operated successively under four different Federal organizational structures, the Civil Works Adminstration (CWA), the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), the Works Progress Administration (WPA), and the Work Projects Administration of the Federal Works Agency. The State administration was somewhat differently organized and administered under these three different structures, but many of the programs and most of the records were retained by succeeding officials.

The CWA program in Wisconsin extended from November 1933-March 1934 and employed, at one time, 166,550 persons at a total cost of more than $36 million. The Director of the Civil Works Administration in Wisconsin reported to the Wisconsin Industrial Commission, which in turn was responsible to the Governor. There were apparently only two State Directors (Robert C. Johnson and Clayton N. Ward), although W.L. Coffey assumed briefly the new title of State Coordinator. The State Director appointed Deputy Administrators in each of 21 districts in the State. Most of the State work projects were those planned but not previously funded by the State Highway Commission, Conservation Commission, University of Wisconsin and State Department of Education, including public improvement construction work on highways, schools, municipal buildings, parks and other recreation facilities. The Civil Works Service Division (CWS) of the State office initiated and administered jobs for women and professionals or "white collar" workers. The CWA hired only from state relief rolls in its first several months, but then established an equal division of jobs between persons on relief rolls and so-called "reemployment lists." Democratic party officials were generally appointed as district CWA administrators.


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