Larsen, Paul M., 1925-

Paul Larsen was born September 7, 1925 in Kesley, Iowa. He graduated from Aplington High School in 1942 and became a steam fitter. Larsen worked in California and Alaska, often on U.S. Air Force bases. Around 1950 he returned to Iowa and became a member and part-time business agent for Plumbers Local 384 in Black Hawk County. Larsen became secretary of the Black Hawk County Union Council in 1956 and AFL-CIO Region 1 staff representative in 1963. He represented the AFL-CIO in the area and assisted organizing drives for the labor federation in Iowa, and parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin.

From the description of Larsen, Paul papers, 1947-1986. (Iowa Sate Historical Society). WorldCat record id: 48023787

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