Forbes, Jack D.


Jack D. Forbes was born January 7, 1934 in Long Beach, California; AA, Glendale College, 1953; BA (1955), MA (1956), Ph.D (1959), Univ. of Southern Calif.; lecturer (1956-59), University of Southern California; instructor, Citrus College (1959-60); associate professor of history, San Fernando Valley State College (1960-64); associate professor of history and director of Center for Western North American Studies, University of Nevada, Reno (1964-67); research program director, Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, Berkeley, California (1967-69); professor of Native American studies, University oc California Davis from 1969; wrote many books, including Apache, Navaho, and Spaniard (1960), The Indian in America's Past (1964), and Warriors of the Colorado: the Yumas of the Quechan Nation and Their Neighbors (1965).


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