National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor (U.S.)

Organization History

October 1947 A group of individuals and organizations interested in the problems of migrant workers in the United States met in Washington D.C. and set up an organization called the National Citizen's Council for Migrant Labor. 1947 1950 The Citizen's Council felt that a long-range comprehensive agricultural program should be developed to include the needs of the migrant farm workers and their families. Studying this situation led the council to believe that a more comprehensive, permanent organization was needed to cope with the situation. March 1950 A group of people closely associated with the National Citizen's Council for Migrant Labor called a meeting in New York City to establish an organization concerned with agricultural labor and rural welfare. Representatives from twenty-two voluntary agencies, individuals, and several government consultants, set up the National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor. A steering committee was elected to create a structure for a permanent organization. April 1950 It was proposed that the National Citizen's Council for Migrant Labor be discontinued, that its files and financial resources be turned over to the new organization, and that its members give their cooperation to the new organization. October 1950 A second organizational meeting was called and named the National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor as an interim committee. November 1950 The basis for a permanent organization was determined at a national conference and the National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor (NCALL) was established. At this conference, a Board of Directors, including a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer were chosen. 1950 1966 "The aim of the organization shall be that all people living and working in rural areas of the United States shall participate equitably in the advantages of the American standard of living. To accomplish this aim, the Council will act as a clearing house, focusing its attention on the welfare of individuals and families --migrants, sharecroppers, tenants and family members --who earn their living through agricultural pursuits. Because the problems of farm workers are closely related to the welfare of agriculture and our economy generally, the Council will also be concerned with questions of economics and social import affecting rural areas." [from the NCALL Labor Bulletin #1: June 1950] March 1961 The United States Department of Agriculture launched the Rural Areas Development Program (RAD) to provide rural people help in seeking economic improvement. The program was determined to coordinate and focus resources by assisting state, local, private, community, statewide organizations, farm organizations and interested individuals working toward the improvement of underemployed areas. December 1961 Elizabeth B. Herring, Executive Secretary of NCALL, was asked to serve on the Public Advisory Committee of the Rural Areas Development Program. 1962 1966 Ms. Herring remains active on the Public Advisory Committee as well as the sub-committee on Aging, Dependent, Handicapped and Farm Labor. January 1967 Reorganization determined the dissolution of NCALL, with constituent organizations forming alternative interest groups.

From the guide to the National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor Records, 1937-1967, (The Bancroft Library)