Bruman, Joseph R.

Joseph R. Bruman served as an intelligence officer in the US Air Force; he retired as a Colonel. He was later employed at JPL and worked closely with William Pickering. By the time of Pickering's retirement, in May 1976 Bruman worked in Section 201, Planning. He worked there until late in his JPL career when he moved to other sections in Flight Projects, specifically Section 331, Communications Systems Research. By February 1985 he had left JPL.

James E. Oberg, who wrote Red Star in Orbit: The Inside Story of Soviet Failures and Triumphs in Space in 1981, credited Bruman as one of many Soviet space watchers. Bruman, following instructions of Pickering's, assembled the present collection. When Bruman's office files were cleaned out; the collection was handed to Vladimir Petrov, of the JPL Library, who also had an interest in Soviet affairs as a former military intellligence officer.


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