Bicknell, Thomas Williams, 1834-1925

Thomas Williams Bicknell (1834-1925) was a figure long influential in New England educational circles. After being educated at Thetford Academy, Amherst College, and Brown University (M.A., 1860), Bicknell became a principal in Bristol, R.I. (1860-1864; 1867-1869), also serving in Providence (1864-1867). In 1869, he was named State Commissioner of Public Schools, which post he held until 1874. He became active in the American Institute of Instruction and was named editor of the _New England Journal of Education_. He also edited _The Leader_ (Boston, 1875-1904) and became active in the National Education Association, of which he was elected president in 1883.

Bicknell was a staunch Republican and Unionist, interested not only in educational reforms, but temperance, conservation, and other reforms as well. He was an active Congregationalist especially interested in religious education. He was also an active genealogist.
