Techsan Garden Club (Lubbock, Tex.)

The Techsan Garden Club was an organization of the University Women's group, started in 1962, and was a member of the National Council of State Garden Clubs. Membership consisted of women faculty members, faculty wives, mothers or sisters of members living in the home, and wives and widows of former faculty members of Texas Tech University. Some the purposes of the club included advancing the interests, the organization, and fine art of gardening and garden clubs and plant societies; aiding in the protection and conservation of natural resources by helping to protect civic landscapes and promoting improvements of roadsides and parks; and assisting in the maintenance of the Municipal Garden and Arts Center and supporting the Lubbock Memorial Arboretum.

From the guide to the Techsan Garden Club, Records, U 201. 1., 1962-1988, (Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University)

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