Green, Scott E.

Poet and journalist Scott E. Green earned his B.A. at Bates College in Asian history with a minor in government, and his M.A. in American history with a concentration in archives and museum management from Rhode Island College. Poet and journalist Scott E. Green has been an active writer in a number of fields including speculative poetry. Green’s publications include his Contemporary Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Poetry: A Resource Guide and Biographical Directory and Isaac Asimov: An Annotated Bibliography of the Asimov Collection at Boston University. His poetry has been published in numerous print and web publications including Aeon, Amazing, Astropoetica, Space and Time, Star*Line, Strange Horizons, and Writer’s Journal . Green served as president of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, served the National Writers Union in a variety of capacities, and maintained membership in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

From the guide to the Scott Green Collection of Comics-Related Publications, 1975-2005, (Special Collections Research Center)


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