Edmondson, Mildred DuBose

Biographical Information

Mildred Edmondson was born in 1914 in Oroville, California. She earned a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of California, Berkeley, in the mid-1930s, and a master's degree in rehabilitative counseling from San Francisco State University in 1957. She began working for the California State Employment Service in 1937. Under the auspices of that agency, Edmondson conducted a survey of women employed in the war industries, compiling a trade union directory for women around 1941. In 1942, she accepted a job as a trade union liaison with the United States War Manpower Commission, working with unions to assign workers to high-priority projects and industries during World War II. She was also a member of the United Federal Workers. After the war, Edmondson worked for the Veterans Counseling Center at the University of California, Berkeley; the Alameda County Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO; and the Vocational Rehabilitation Service.


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