Texas A & M University. Academic Council

As a successor to the Texas A & M University General Faculty, the Texas A & M University Academic Council was formed in 1946, with the Dean of the College as chairman, and basically all Presidents, Deans and Heads of Departments of Colleges, as well as full-time faculty as members. The standing committees and any special committees deemed necessary were to be appointed by the President of Texas A & M, but all reports of committees were to be submitted to the Academic Council through the chairman, or Dean of the College.

Executive Committee Committee on Athletics A & M Development Fund Committee Committee on the Catalogue Committee on Rules and Regulations Committee on Commencement Exchange Store Advisory Committee Graduate Council Committee on Honorary Degrees Latin-American-Students Committee Library Committee Museum Committee Committee on Radio Broadcasting Sanitary Board Committee on Scholarships Student Hospital Committee Veterans Advisory Committee

Two of the standing committees were particularly active and important in the development of the Univesity's curriculum and degree programs. The Executive Committee, composed of the Dean of the College, or Academic Council chairman, the deans of the several schools, the Dean of Men, and the non-voting Registrar, was charged to deal with student petitions and other disciplinary matters, but perhaps most importantly, make recommendations to the Council regarding the establishment of any new undergraduate courses of instruction. Similarly, the Graduate Council considered issues regarding graduate instruction, including policy, regulations, enforcement of standards throughout the University, graduate student petitions, and requests for curriculum changes in the Graduate School . The Graduate Council was composed of the Dean of the Graduate School, the Chairman of the Committee on Graduate Instruction in each of the several schools, and one representative each from the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and the Texas Engineering Experiment Station .


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