Nicholson, John, 1821-1857, army officer in India

1839 ensign, 41st native infantry, Bengal army; 1839 27th native infantry, Ferozepore; 1839-1842 served in First Anglo-Afghan War; 1843 adjutant, 27th native infantry; 1845-1846 served in First Anglo-Sikh War; 1845 appointed to the commissariat; 1846 assistant to the resident at Lahore; 1848 captain; 1848-1849 served in Second Anglo-Sikh War; 1849 brevet-major; 1849 deputy commissioner to the Lahore board; 1850-1851 furlough in Europe; 1851-1856 administrative officer at Bannu; 1857 brevet lieutenant-colonel; 1857 brigadier general; 1857 served in the Punjab during Indian Mutiny.

Epithet: army officer in India


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