Educational Policies Committee

To study problems and to make recommendations relative to all areas of academic policy, including the regular semester, January term, summer school, graduate division, and continuing education programs. Specific Duties: 1. To consider policies of academic and instructional nature. 2. To study and make recommendations to the faculty and the departments concerned regarding new areas in instruction to be entered, old areas to be abandoned, and new trends in higher education. 3. To consider and recommend to the faculty candidates for honorary degrees. 4. To review and recommend to the faculty all proposals for courses intended to satisfy general university requirements. 5. To organize in a structure of continuing and ad hoc subcommittees for the expeditious conduct of business. 6. To serve in an advisory capacity to the administration of the university in order to express faculty concerns and interests regarding academic effects of the budget. 7. To inform the faculty of EPC policy determinations through the “For Information Only” section of the 30-Day Clock memo disseminated to the faculty via email throughout the academic year.” (From the Faculty Handbook)

From the guide to the Educational Policies Committee Records, 1950-2004, (Pacific Lutheran University Archives and Special Collections Library Services/Information and Technology Services)

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2016-08-09 11:08:38 pm

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