Rhode Island School of Design. Department of Painting

RISD created the Freehand and Painting Department in 1901 as part of a general reorganization of the school. Taught since the school's opening in 1878, painting was part of the general Freehand Department, 1886-1901. Instruction was based upon the independent French atelier system. The appointment of John R. Frazier as Department Head in 1923 led to a gradual move to a unified curriculum. The 1930s brought course work in the Mural Painting (1933-1947) and Portraiture (1933-1946) majors.

The department became part of the new Fine Arts Division in 1940 and the school offered an illustration major in 1943. All three majors led to a BFA beginning in 1943. A 1947 reorganization led to a consolidation of majors under Illustration or Painting. Illustration remained a part of the department until RISD appointed a separate Head of Illustration in 1962.


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