Clark, Evans

Evans Clark was born in 1888 in Orange, New Jersey. He graduated from Amherst in 1910 and received an M.A. from Columbia in 1913. Clark's most significant work was serving from 1928 to 1953 as director for the Twentieth Century Fund, a philanthropic foundation for research and education on economic and social issues. He was also a feature, book review and editorial writer for the New York Times from 1925 to 1928. After his retirement from the Twentieth Century Fund in 1953, he was an editorial writer for the New York Times until 1961. His numerous other activities included serving on the Board of Directors of the Advertising Council, and serving as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council=s Public Policy Committee. He was an incorporator and member of the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York. Clark was the co-author of "Stock Market Control," and the author of "Financing the Consumer" and "How to Budget Health," all Twentieth Century Fund publications, as well as of other books and articles. He died in 1970 at the age of eighty-two.

From the guide to the Clark Papers, 1910-1970, (Amherst College Archives and Special Collections)


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