New York University. Office of Vice President and Secretary.

The Office of Vice President and Secretary was first created as the Office of the Secretary of the University in 1925. The Secretary was appointed by the Council, upon recommendation of the Chancellor, and served as the general executive assistant to the Chancellor. The Office of Secretary became central to the administration of New York University.

The primary function of the Secretary was to assist the Chancellor in the discharge of his duties. The responsibilities delineated in 1925 included: conducting correspondence with individuals and institutions relating to the University at large; coordinating the work of secretaries of the several schools and divisions; preparing and maintaining minutes, documentary materials, records, and conducting correspondence of the Council and its committees. The Secretary affixed the University seal, issued diplomas, certificates and maintained records of these. He maintained personnel records of the faculty, published the University bibliography, supervised the publication of annual reports, and performed other administrative duties assigned by the Chancellor.


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