United States. Forest Service

The evolution of the USDA Forest Service is rooted in the General Provision Act of l89l in which Congress authorized the President to designate particular areas of the forested public domain to be set aside as "reserves" for future use. The number and size of these reserves increased notably in l897 when the President was authorized to establish reserves in order to protect watersheds, to preserve timber, and to provide lumber for local use. There was no provision for management or supervision of the forests, which were by law closed to public use. In spite of the restrictions, the use of these lands by local residents for grazing, hunting, mining, lumbering, and recreation continued as they had for decades.

On February l, l905, Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson announced the transfer of the Forest Reserves to the Department of Agriculture, as authorized by Congress (H.R. 8460) on that same day. The newly created Forest Service was charged with providing for the use of the National Forests, while maintaining the permanence of their resources.


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