Anderson family

Biographical Note

THE ANDERSON FAMILY PAPERS cover the history of a distinguished family that, up to a point, followed a somewhat typical pattern in America. Of Scottish-English origins, with a short history in the Maritime Provinces, Canada, the family came to the United States in the middle of the nineteenth century. They settled on the East coast, later moving West. Here the Andersons diverged from the usual pattern. They made major contributions to society in the fields of theology, education and literature. They were intellectual people rather than industrialists. They did not lay railroads or pan for gold or wage wars with the Indians on the frontier. They did, however, found schools, preach sermons, write books and make substantial scholarly and scientific contributions to the community.


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2021-03-05 05:03:21 pm

Dina Herbert


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2021-03-04 10:03:23 am

Dina Herbert


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2021-03-04 10:03:50 am

Dina Herbert


Republish: User canceled edit without making changes

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2021-03-04 10:03:46 am

Dina Herbert


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2016-08-15 11:08:03 am

System Service


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2016-08-15 11:08:03 am

System Service

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