Shortridge, George D., 1814-1870

Jurist and circuit court judge George David Shortridge (1814-1870) was the son of Judge Eli Shortridge. Raised in Alabama, Shortridge became a licensed attorney in 1838 and was elected to the Alabama Legislature in 1844. In 1836, he married Elizabeth King, with whom he had six children: George D., Jr., Louisa, Eli (1843-1862), Frank (1846-1864), Leila, and William Webb. After his defeat as the Know-Nothing candidate for governor in 1855, Shortridge became a member of the State Convention that passed the Ordinance of Secession in 1861. His sons George, Eli, and Frank served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, though only George did not perish in battle.

From the guide to the Shortridge, George D. Family Papers 80-021., 1846-1902, (Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin)


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